Wednesday 5 June 2013

                                    ME, Myself and I

That's what i'll be thinking about from now on. Me and myself thought about be nicer but then I thought why shouldi do that. When I can be rude and hurtful. Which i'm not so I went back to being nice, funny ,sweet and caring. That's why everybody likes me/ most people/my friends. I guess we all can't pretend to be someone else for ever. I had to cave be myself again not my heartbroken mad, angery girl that I was but now I don't have to be.. I have amazing friends and maybe someday a boyfriend that will be my missing piece to the confusing puzzle that is me!

                                 Moving On

I'm done. Peope should except noting from me but they all expect me to be nice, caring and listen to all their problems. But I can't without my heart which is still on Ethans sleeve. All I need is for someone to love me. All I want is my heart back I want to demand it but I just can't work up the nerve. When everything is good in my life something mostly someones always fing a way to make easy complicated and simple turns into confusing. I just want to go back to being myself.

                            Rubbed Raw

I don't have any feelings left he took them all out of me. I told him how I felt, he stran me along them broke my heart into a billion pieces. He's in my math class I have to see him every other day. Reminding me what an idiot I could be when I don't be myself. When I be what people want me to be. All I want is a hero someone to save me from myself. All heroes please aplly.........except you Ethan. The name I thought I never would say again but I say it a lot more than you think. He took my heart with him when he left. I'm left with my empty shell waiting for him to return it.

                            The girl who ruined everything

I like this guy named Ethan his eyes are as blue as the ocean. I love everything about him, we have so much in common. But when I was at my friends party he was also invited but did go. So I texted him to ask why he wasn't there. And it turns out a girl named Alysha asked him out and he said yes. She's awful like seriously she acts like she's a five year old. She wears freakin PJ's to school. And she wears booty shorts but she's not even cute. He's out of her league by like a billion but he's in my league. She's a crazy person!!!!!